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Деревина Масив З Обробкою З Ін. Матеріалу, Ялина - Біла, Зовнішня Облицовка

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Тип Зовнішня Облицовка
Серцевина Деревина масив з обробкою з ін. матеріалу
Тип твердого дерева Європейська хвойна деревина
Порода Ялина (Picea abies) - Біла
Оброблений матеріал Фарба
Походження деревини Фінляндія


Об'єм 5 - 500 m3 щомісячно Перетворити
Товщина 17-32 мм  Перетворити
Ширина 92-195 мм Перетворити
Довжина 3600-5400 мм Перетворити
Якість A-AB
Сертифікація PEFC
High quality surface treatment!

Siparila Topcoat® wood cladding ships ready to install and does not require further treatment once on the work site. Siparila Topcoat® cladding profiles have hidden fastening strips and are end-matched to create a clean and modern finish, resulting in a beautiful, flawless appearance. The locking profiles not only manage water and provide protection for your building, but also eliminate surface nail marks. Thicker profiles with a hidden fastening strips make Siparila Topcoat® cladding durable against harsh weather conditions and from outdoor elements, such as high winds. Siparila Topcoat® cladding’s durability also benefit from the naturally tough, dense, and straight-grained qualities of the Scandinavian wood is made from.

Natural Tones of TOPCOAT® Cladding!

TOPCOAT® cladding with durable translucent finish, is an authentic and genuine wood cladding from the beautiful Nordic forests. The panels are fully finished and require no painting after installation. The durable translucent finish highlights the wood’s natural grain giving a beautiful effect. The panels are fully painted at the factory and require no further painting after installation. The specially designed panels of Siparila’s wood cladding hides the fasteners which reduces water damages from fastening found on traditional wood siding.

Pre-painted grille laths and fence boards!

Terrace construction is a diverse entity that is worth planning well to save you from surprises and problems. Fences bring posture as well as security to your yard while delimiting your yard beautifully. In addition to traditional fence boards you can also use grille laths to build the fence which gives you an airy and modern look. You can also build blinds for the terrace, visors for the yard or supports for vines. All our terrace construction products are pre-industrially surface treated. It makes construction easy and fast because it takes no time or money to paint.

With laths you can also create personal details for the facade of your house. Fasten the laths either by nailing or screwing. However, be sure to surface treat the ends of the nail to prevent water and contaminants from damaging the wood from the nail stems.

Ціна і умови

Вартість Під замовлення EUR в m3 Перетворити
Продає в: Африка, Азія, Europa, Північна Америка, Південна Америка, Океанія


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