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Одношарові Масивні Деревні Плити

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Щит із масиву Одношарові масивні деревні плити
Тип твердого дерева Азіатська листяна деревина
Порода Bamboo


Об'єм 20 - 5000 m3 Одноразово Перетворити
З'єднання шипове з'єднання (з зрощених по довжині заготовок)
Товщина 5/8 мм  Перетворити
Ширина 2440 мм Перетворити
Довжина 1220 мм Перетворити
Якість customized
Bamboo and wood texture: Bamboo composite board and bamboo plywood retain the natural texture and texture of bamboo and wood, making its appearance beautiful and natural, adding unique natural charm to building decoration.
Environmental sustainability: Bamboo is a fast-growing and renewable plant, and the use of bamboo composite boards and plywood can help reduce the consumption of natural resources, in line with the concept of sustainable development.
Strength and durability: Bamboo and wood have excellent strength and durability, and the addition of bonding materials further enhances the durability of the board, making it suitable for various building purposes.
Multi functional application: Bamboo composite board and bamboo plywood have excellent performance in hardness, stability, and wear resistance, and are suitable for multiple building decoration fields such as walls, ceilings, and furniture production.
Application scenario:
Architectural decoration: Bamboo composite board and bamboo plywood are suitable for interior and exterior wall decoration of buildings, and can be used for exterior wall panels, ceilings, wall decoration, etc., adding a lot of color to buildings.
Furniture production: Due to the high strength and durability of bamboo composite board and bamboo plywood, it is suitable for furniture production, such as cabinets, wardrobes, desks, etc.
Interior decoration: bamboo plywood can also be used for interior wall decoration, such as living room, bedroom, dining room, etc., to create a modern and natural indoor environment.
Environmentally friendly buildings: Bamboo composite board and bamboo plywood are widely used in the field of environmentally friendly buildings, used for wall insulation and insulation to improve the energy efficiency performance of buildings.

Ціна і умови

Вартість Під замовлення USD в m3 Перетворити
Продає в: У всьому світі


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