Переглянути всі - Терасні Дошки Е4Е Пропозиції

Ясень Чорний, FSC, Терасні Дошки (Е4Е)

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Тип деревини Деревина масив
Тип твердого дерева Європейська деревина твердих порід
Порода/Матеріал Ясень чорний
Основні характеристики FSC
Країна походження Чеська республіка
Регіон Prague
Тип Терасні Дошки (Е4Е)


Об'єм 1 - 5000 m2 (sqm) щомісячно Перетворити
Ширина 115; 140 мм Перетворити
Довжина 800-3000 мм Перетворити
Товщина 20 мм  Перетворити
Якість Select, clip
Сертифікація FSC
Benefits of Thermo Ash
Heat treatment improves durability, stability, color, weight and more!
The durability of pine is increased by up to 15 years if you use heat treatment.
Due to the thermal treatment, pine has less warping caused by moisture, reduces water absorption and improves the dimensional stability of the wood.
The heat treatment gives a beautiful golden brown shade.
During heat treatment, the physical and chemical properties of the wood change.
Thermal and acoustic insulation of heat-treated wood is up to 30% better than natural wood.
Thermally treated wood has a lower weight and density.
No chemicals are used in the heat treatment process.
Thermo Ash Decking Origin
Ash trees are medium to large trees. The family contains between 45 and 65 species. Some of them are evergreen, but most are deciduous.

We supply Thermo Ash products from two locations:

Thermo Ash Decking Description
Ash is a hardwood with many grains and features an aesthetic look with its wavy texture. These features make Ash Decking a multi-purpose, aesthetic and durable material. Its excellent dimensional stability, beautiful grain structure, attractive brown color and technical features add value to the spaces and ensure optimum results.
It is a durable and stable material, and it is suitable for outdoor use.
It's the ideal choice for those who truly care about the environment and wish to reduce their ecological footprint.
Wood's physical and chemical properties change during thermal modification. When it's heated, the wood releases moisture and its chemical composition is transformed.

Thermo Ash Decking Processing
The thermal modification gives Thermo Ash a beautiful golden-brown tone. In addition to being durable, our thermally modified Thermo Ash is environmentally friendly, as the thermal modification process is chemical-free and no harmful waste is generated. Thanks to the heat treatment, they improve ash's properties, and, thanks to that, it has a longer service life, acoustic properties and greater dimensional stability. It is lighter and therefore prevents possible problems. Thermo wood supplied by us is produced by the WTT method, which uses heat treatment of wood at 180° C.

Ash Decking

Ash is a hardwood with a high number of grains and features an aesthetic look with its wavy texture. These features make Thermowood Ash Decking a multi-purpose, aesthetic, and durable material. If you seek an elegant look to highlight your terraces and backyards, durable and reliable Thermowood Ash Decking is the right choice. Thermo wood Ash deckings are FSC certified products.

Thermowood Ash has become an indispensable decking option due to its proven and certified biological durability after the Thermowood process that reaches a minimum 25-year life span in harsh weather conditions. Its excellent dimensional stability, beautiful grain structure, attractive brown colour, and technical features add value to the spaces and ensure optimum results. Feel free to use Thermowood Ash decking for any kind of commercial and private decking purposes such as terraces, backyards, swimming pools, restaurants, urban areas, and walkways. Thermowood Ash deckings are free of chemicals.

Ціна і умови

Вартість Під замовлення EUR в m2 (sqm) Перетворити
Інкотерми EXW - франко-завод (з підприємства) Країна Чеська республіка Регіон Prague
Крайній термін поставки Доступне під замовлення за менш ніж 30 днів
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