Виріб |
Виріб | Пиловочник |
Група порід деревини | Хвойна деревина з Австралії і Нової Зеландії |
Порода | Ancient swamp kauri |
Країна походження | Нова Зеландія |
Специфікація |
Об'єм | 20 - 1000 m3 щорічно Перетворити |
Діаметр | 1.2 м Перетворити |
Довжина | 5.9 м Перетворити |
Якість | Average |
Опис |
Ancient Kauri wood, also known as swamp kauri, is a unique and rare type of timber sourced from prehistoric kauri trees (Agathis australis) that were buried in peat swamps in New Zealand's North Island. These trees, which can be up to 50,000 years old, were preserved in an oxygen-depleted environment, preventing their decomposition. This preservation process has resulted in wood with remarkable beauty and iridescence, making it highly sought after for furniture, art, and architectural purposes.
Ancient Kauri wood is known for its environmental friendliness and its rich, dynamic grain patterns. It is considered to be the oldest workable wood available in the world. The trees themselves grew for approximately 2,000 years before being felled by natural events at the end of the last Ice Age and subsequently preserved in peat swamps for tens of thousands of years Every piece of Ancient Kauri wood available for sale is officially registered with *****, featuring a distinct item number and comprehensive records for ongoing tracking and verification. This rigorous certification process authenticates the wood's origin and authenticity, providing buyers with assurance that they are obtaining a piece of genuine, top-quality material. The detailed documentation not only validates the wood's significant historical and environmental importance but also boosts its appeal to collectors and artisans by confirming its age, source, and exclusiveness. Before swamp kauri stock can be loaded for shipping, it must undergo inspection by New Zealand MPI to obtain export permits. |
Ціна і умови |
Вартість | Запросити ціну |
Крайній термін поставки | На складі |
Продає в: | У всьому світі |
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