Переглянути всі - Клеєний Брус - Прямий Пропозиції

Сибірська Сосна, Сибірська Модрина клеєний брус - прямий 60-1000 мм * 60-280 мм * 3000-16000 мм північні tc норми класифікації 40 m3 / одноразово із Росія

  • Пропозиція
  • Дата
  • Статус : Дану пропозицію було знято.


Тип Клеєний Брус - Прямий
Група порід деревини Європейська хвойна деревина
Порода Сибірська Сосна, Сибірська Модрина


Об'єм 40 m3 Одноразово Перетворити
Товщина брусів 60-1000 мм
Ширина брусів 60-280 мм
Довжина брусів 3000-16000 мм
Система класифікації Північні TC (зелена книжка) норми класифікації
Glued larch timber
High-quality glued larch timber: nature, reliability and style in your home

Glued larch timber is the perfect combination of beauty and durability, which embodies the best traditions of woodworking and modern construction technologies. Larch is famous for its unique texture, magnificent color and exceptional resistance to external influences.

Advantages of glued larch timber:

High strength and durability: Larch has a natural resistance to rot and moisture, which makes it an ideal material for all climatic conditions.
Aesthetic appeal: The beautiful texture and rich color of larch give any structure a luxurious and noble appearance.
Eco-friendly: 100% natural material without harmful impurities, safe for health.
Shape stability: Glued beams retain their geometric parameters, are not subject to deformation and cracking.
Pest resistance: The natural oils contained in larch repel insects and prevent their reproduction.
Glued pine timber
Glued pine timber: quality, accessibility and natural harmony

Glued pine timber combines accessibility and excellent performance. This material is ideal for the construction of houses, baths, gazebos and other structures, ensuring their strength and durability.

Advantages of glued pine timber:

Optimal cost: Pine is an affordable and cost—effective material that provides excellent value for money.
Thermal conductivity: Pine has a low thermal conductivity, which allows you to keep the room warm and reduce heating costs.
Aesthetic properties: The natural light shade of pine and its smooth texture create a cozy and pleasant atmosphere in the interior.
Ease of processing: Pine is easy to machine, which makes it possible to realize any architectural ideas.
Natural antiseptic: Pine contains natural resins that prevent the appearance of mold and fungi.

We are a Russian export-oriented company engaged in the production of softwood and hardwood lumber.
Delivery can be carried out both by road and in 40 foot shipping containers.

Ціна і умови

Вартість Під замовлення EUR в m3 Перетворити
Продає в: У всьому світі


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